Ailwee Caves - Places to Visit | Heritage in Schools

Ailwee Caves

Ailwee Caves

Aillwee Cave is located in the heart of the Burren in Ballyvaughan, Co. Clare. Expert guides introduce young visitors to the science and wonder of the dramatic underworld of this amazing landscape. The cave tour itself covers half a kilometre, ensuring that learning is combined with exercise!

The tour consists of a 30-minute walk through beautiful caverns, over bridged chasms, under weird formations and alongside the thunderous waterfall which sometimes gently sprays the unsuspecting visitor! Children can marvel at the frozen waterfall and view the bones of, the now extinct, brown bear. Paths and lighting have been installed throughout, making the visit suitable for all ages. Exercise sheets and our information booklets are available on request

Topics covered on the tour include:

  • How caves form in limestone
  • The discovery and exploration of Aillwee Cave
  • How stalagmites, stalactites and flowstone are formed
  • Preservation of the natural cave environment
  • Zoology – animals and plant life of the cave
  • Continental drift and the formation of limestone
  • Geology of the cave

For more information, visit