Ruti Lachs - Heritage Experts | Heritage in Schools

Ruti Lachs

Ruti Lachs head shot 2020
Ruti Lachs
Ruti Lachs
Curriculum Strands:
Story (History), Local Studies (History), Life, society, work and culture in the past (History), Continuity and change over time (History)
Counties catered for:
Clare, Cork, Kerry, Kilkenny, Limerick, Tipperary, Waterford
Classes catered for:
All Classes

Book in-person visit

Ruti’s Heritage in Schools workshops will include:

  • Creating new music with the participants (no previous music experience needed), using klezmer music (Eastern European Jewish music) as a starting point.
  • Introducing the children to some of the artefacts, history and culture of Cork’s Jewish communities past and present.
  • Chatting about children’s own cultures.
  • Optional: a guided walk around Cork’s historic Jewish sites (as part of a workshop series).
  • Optional: a performance for other children/parents (as part of a workshop series) singing, playing instruments, and dancing!

Outline of workshop:

  • Short music performance by Ruti.
  • Showing/talking about items from Jewish culture eg a Chanukah candelabra, matza crackers, Sabbath candlesticks.
  • Introducing the history of Cork’s Jewish community.
  • Children speaking about their own cultures.
  • Children participating in an age-appropriate music making activity, including using musical instruments and singing (children can bring their own instruments if they wish, but Ruti brings a large variety of percussion and other instruments, so no-one is left out).
  • An easy and fun circle dance will be taught. This is accessible to children with special needs too.
  • Creating new music (as a group) – eg a song or rhyme about the festivals, or about traditional foods, according to the input of the children.

Ruti will sing songs from three or four different cultures (eg a song in Yoruba language, Hungarian, Yiddish and French) and then work with the children to compose something new using words, melodies, and possibly dance steps from their own cultures.

A series of 3 or 4 workshops which can include the following:

  • Hearing and playing music from different cultures.
  • The music that is created is developed further, arranged for different instruments and voices.
  • Children learn 2 songs in other languages.
  • A guided walk around Cork city, viewing the old synagogue and the area where Jewish people first lived in Cork (near Shalom Park). The walk includes a performance by Ruti in the park, and can include a picnic.
  • Children are facilitated to develop their own instrumental playing (whether they already play an instrument or not), and group performance skills.
  • A performance for the other children in the school, and/or for parents


  • "Great experience for all the pupils of Harvest time along with songs and dances facilitated by Ruti." - Scoil Chros tSeáin, Crosshaven Boys NS, Cork
  • "Ruti was a pleasure to have. Her activities were engaging and active ." - Park NS, Cork

Additional Information

  • Provides in-person visits
  • Caters for special needs
  • Provides practical/hands-on activities
  • Provides field trips

Contact Details

087 660 6118