Nuala Madigan - Heritage Experts | Heritage in Schools

Nuala Madigan

Nuala  Madigan 1
Nuala  Madigan  Bogwalk
Nuala  Madigan  Creepy  Crawlies
Nuala  Madigan  Pond  Dipping
Nuala  Madigan  Primrose  Hill  National  School
Nuala  Madigan  Biodiversity  Walk
Science, Geography
Curriculum Strands:
Human environments (Geography), Natural environments (Geography)
Counties catered for:
Carlow, Dublin, Kildare, Laois, Meath, Offaly, Westmeath
Classes catered for:
All Classes

Book virtual / in-person visit

Nuala has been a Heritage in Schools specialist for over 10 years. A graduate of Agriculture and Environmental Science with a Masters of Education Nuala’s curriculum based workshops offer students an opportunity to learn about Ireland’s wild peatlands through fun and active learning either through a visit to your school or virtually.

Virtual school visits

Classes: 3rd to 6th class

Materials: Photocopied resources (all); colouring pencils/crayons (juniors); scissors, glue stick and paperclip (seniors)

Classes: 3rd to 6th Class

Materials: Photocopied resources (all); scissors, glue stick and paperclip.

Session 1 (pre-recorded, 15 mins))

This workshop will guide you through an introduction to the bogs of Ireland. Themes explored within the presentation include types of bogs in Ireland, location of bogs in Ireland, their formation, values of Irish peatlands, a selection of bogland plants and animals and the archaeology associated with Irish bogs. A hands on activity to make a bog plant identification dial and a follow up quiz are provided.

Session 2 (live, up to 60 mins)

The follow-up live session to discuss peatlands further through questions & answers.

Worksheets & teacher's notes:

Resources will be provided for students to complete during the presentation as well as a follow up activity to complete following the pre-recorded session.


Further activities and links to the curriculum can be found in Discovering the Wild Boglands Primary Education Packs available on . Four packs are available including Junior & Senior Infants, 1st and 2nd class, 3rd and 4th class and 5th and 6th class.

In-person school visits

Classes: Junior to 6th Class

Materials: Scissors, glue stick and paperclips (seniors only).

Bring Ireland’s peatlands to your school or visit your local peatland with your Heritage in School Specialist. Visits are curriculum linked, fun and hands on. Students will explore the different types of peatlands in Ireland and make their own ‘bog in a bottle’ to demonstrate peatland formation. Peatland wildlife will be introduced through a bog plant identification activity where students will make their own bog plant dial and a live freshwater mini-beast discovery. The role peatlands have as climate change champions, as a living history book and water regulators will also be introduced in brief. General biodiversity related workshops are also available on request.


  • "A wonderful learning opportunity for children but also teachers. It significantly enhanced our knowledge and practice."
  • "Nuala is fantastic. We look forward to her visit every year. She engages the children in all the activities for their age group. It's very hands-on and the children love it and learn a lot from her. We can see progression up through the school."
Read more →
  • "Very hands-on and brought excellent resources from the bogland and explained its formation and habitat species at an interesting level throughout whole sessions."
  • "The children and teachers always look forward to Nuala's visits. She is enthusiastic, passionate, very well prepared and an expert in her field. Her interaction with children and staff is fantastic."
  • "Nuala brings a wonderful world to our pupils. They are so enthralled by her and responsive. Outdoors and indoors and water invertebrates in nature and a basin, Nuala brings them to life and the children are so excited."
  • "Nuala prepared activities with the children which were very active and engaging, she was very knowledgeable on the topic. The children absolutely loved the variety of activities both in class and on our field trip to the river they and learn so much." - Scoil Bhride Athagarvan
  • "Fantastic day with Nuala as usual." - Scoil Cianog Naofa, Timahoe
  • "Nuala is worth her weight in gold. She had everyone interested, kids and adults as we are a home ed. group so parents were there too." - Home Education Network, Laois
  • "Nuala was incredible. A natural with the children and had them engaged throughout with interesting presentations and activities. Thank you!"
  • "This was an excellent day, the children were engaged in hands on activities throughout the day. Nuala was excellent with her classroom management and extremely knowledgeable on the topic of the river. She had excellent resources with her. We all thoroughly enjoyed our day. Thank you!" - Scoil Bhride Athgarvan, Kildare
  • "We greatly appreciate Nuala's wealth of experience and depth of knowledge - it was a superb day." - Scoil Bhride, Kildare
  • "Nuala is a treasure. We have her every year she is so good." - Harold's Cross NS, Dublin

Additional Information

  • Provides in-person visits
  • Provides virtual visits
  • Caters for special needs
  • Provides practical/hands-on activities
  • Provides field trips

Contact Details

Phone (Work):
045 860133
087 2980859