Martina Kilian - Heritage Experts | Heritage in Schools

Martina Kilian

Martina Killian
Martina Killian2
Science, History, Geography
Curriculum Strands:
Story (History), Human environments (Geography), Natural environments (Geography), Environmental awareness and care (Geography/Science), Living things (Science)
Counties catered for:
Leitrim, Mayo, Roscommon, Sligo
Classes catered for:
All Classes

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As a smallholder and former organic food producer Martina also holds an honors degree in Outdoor Education. She is particularly eager to connect children to their immediate environment through place-based and experiential learning.

During fieldtrips children are encouraged to ‘read’ the forest floor to find out who lives nearby, forage wild herbaceous plants, along with general plant and animal identification. Mindful and sensory practices in nature deepen the connection. She also encourages creativity in the outdoors, like journaling, spontaneous seasonal creations or ideas for upcycling waste materials, i.e.  making a birdhouse, a seed purse, a bug hotel or a notebook.

Her passion are trees, not just the seen, but also unseen parts along with the science, but also the magic and folklore surrounding these monuments of nature.

Martina is the author of ‘Trees don’t bite but they do love to giggle’.

  • Have fun learning about common native and non-native trees and how to distinguish them.
  • The tree as a whole organism
  • ‘Favourite tree’ storytelling
  • Mindfulness with tree

  • What is rewilding?
  • Where is a ‘wild place’ nearby? Do you know any ‘wild’ places?
  • Who and what benefits from it?
  • Evaluation of school ground via bug hunt, bird watch, plant identification, soil indicator plants.
  • Tips for ‘rewilding’ a corner on your school/community ground/garden.

Additional Information

  • Provides in-person visits
  • Caters for special needs
  • Provides practical/hands-on activities
  • Provides field trips

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