Lucy Forde - Heritage Experts | Heritage in Schools

Lucy Forde

Lucy Forde 3
Lucy Forde 6
Lucy Forde 5
Lucy Forde 4
Lucy Forde 2
Lucy Forde 1
Science, History, Geography
Curriculum Strands:
Local Studies (History), Early people and ancient societies (History), Life, society, work and culture in the past (History), Continuity and change over time (History), Human environments (Geography), Natural environments (Geography), Environmental awareness and care (Geography/Science), Materials (Science), Energy and forces (Science)
Counties catered for:
Cavan, Dublin, Kildare, Laois, Leitrim, Longford, Louth, Meath, Monaghan, Offaly, Westmeath, Wicklow
Classes catered for:
All Classes

Book in-person visit

Lucy explores historical food preparation with engaging and thought-provoking workshops. Her experience includes time as a professional baker and providing tours at Martry Mills in Co. Meath. Lucy holds a master’s degree in journalism and is passionate about getting children engaged in the story of where their food comes from. Milling is a unique lens to explore how ancient people found and processed grains—first by hand and then by harnessing the power present in their natural environment. At one time, practically every parish would have supported a busy mill. The history of milling is interwoven into the built heritage of Ireland, with important (and tasty!) lessons for today.

An interactive introduction to milling in Ireland. A tour of early farming, food preparation, technology and culture. As early as 5,500 BCE, the people of Ireland have been growing grains. Understanding the history of the iconic Irish Brown Bread is to go on a journey from the earliest known people through to modern times. Students will examine raw cereals, grinding them by hand with traditional tools. They will learn about historical diets and food preparations, and assist in baking a couple loaves of brown bread which they can share fresh as a class. We will explore how a mill uses water power to grind grain into flour, and understand why mills would have been central to community life. Using the fascinating case study of Martry Mill in Co. Meath, we will discuss how one mill has been processing wheat in the traditional stoneground manner for over 700 years. Lucy provides all materials and supplies for a memorable and relevant learning experience.


  • "Lucy was very pleasant and the children loved her hands-on activities. The baking was delicious. She was thoroughly prepared and used the time allowed to the maximum." - St. Brigid’s NS, Killygarry
  • "Lucy was excellent, the children loved her. We would love to have her back at any time" - St Nicholas Primary School, Meath
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  • "Lucy spent 4 days in our school working with all classes from Junior Infants to 3rd. Each visit was perfectly adapted to the children’s age with hands on activities and involvement. Children were engaged and Lucy interspersed story, history, questions and chat. A wonderful experience for all! Thank you Lucy." - St. Brigid's GNS, Dublin
  • "The children really enjoyed this unique opportunity to experience baking using traditional methods and learning about how our ancestors made bread." - Muchgrange NS, Louth
  • "The workshops were carried out over an entire week beginning on 13 May. Every child got to experience bread making and got to enjoy the fruits of their labour. It was a very positive experience for all the children and teachers in our school. They all loved it. Lucy, the facilitator was fantastic, hard working and professional." - Scoil Bhride, Kilbride

Additional Information

  • Provides in-person visits
  • Caters for special needs
  • Provides practical/hands-on activities

Contact Details

083 0901901