Jesmond Harding - Heritage Experts | Heritage in Schools

Jesmond Harding

Science, History, Geography
Curriculum Strands:
Life, society, work and culture in the past (History), Natural environments (Geography), Environmental awareness and care (Geography/Science), Living things (Science)
Counties catered for:
Dublin, Kildare, Meath, Offaly, Westmeath, Wicklow
Classes catered for:
3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th

Book in-person visit

Jesmond offers a glimpse into the magical world of butterflies, moths and their environment. Learn through film, art, imagery, and direct experience of nature’s brightest jewels. Jesmond has a large collection of mounted butterflies, has captured all of Ireland’s butterflies on film and photograph, and photographed many of our moths, both familiar and rare. Learn about the weirdly wild ways butterflies communicate with each other, and why some social caterpillars eat their own kind. Why do butterflies pretend to be dead? Do butterflies bully? What do butterflies do during the winter? How long do butterflies and moths live? Do butterflies feed each other? Who are their enemies? Jesmond uses PowerPoint presentations alongside mounted and occasionally live butterflies. Good habitat on the school grounds can be searched for butterflies too.

For moth magic, beautiful butterflies and a fun day of learning get in touch!

A detailed look at all Ireland’s butterflies/selection of moths (there are 1567 moth species in Ireland!), where they live, what they eat, their survival challenges. PowerPoint photos and film and mounted examples. A walk in the school grounds to show wild butterflies and habitats that butterflies can use. A field trip to Lullymore/Lullybeg can be arranged according to the season, weather dependent.

Moth-trapping on the school grounds (according to the season and suitability of the location), moth identification, search for the plants used by the moths in the grounds/locality, followed by a PowerPoint illustrated talk. On-site moth-trapping needs to be arranged the day before the visit.


  • "Everyone thoroughly enjoyed Jesmond's visit. The children were very engaged and interested in learning lots more from Jesmond about moths and butterflies. They would have loved to have more time with him as they found his talk fascinating." - Riverview ETNS, Dublin

Additional Information

  • Provides in-person visits
  • Provides practical/hands-on activities
  • Provides field trips

Contact Details

Phone (Work):
089 4180324