Geoff Hunt
- Subject(s):
- Science, Geography
- Curriculum Strands:
- Natural environments (Geography), Living things (Science)
- Counties catered for:
- Cork, Kerry, Limerick
- Classes catered for:
- All Classes
Geoff is a member of Birdwatch Ireland and has published a book entitled Limerick Nature Walks. He has carried out survey work for Birds, Butterflies, Dragonflies in Limerick and North Kerry. Whatever the children find on one of my field trips is what we talk about in the classroom.
In-person school visits
Choose from one of the following topics or contact Geoff to discuss other options:
"The staff and children enjoyed the visit very much and we hope to have Geoff back with us again next school year."
"Geoff Hunt's expertise is integral to our Whole School approach to the study of Biodiversity ."
"We have built up a fantastic working relationship with Geoff and together we have co-ordinated a rounded 8 year programme for children to experience from infants to 6th class."
"Geoff is a talented facilitator who has encouraged an appreciation of the local environment among the children, whose knowledge is often imparted to parents."
"Another brilliant day with Geoff, wet but wonderful!!"
"Geoff is a wonderful visitor to the school where both teachers and pupils look forward to his visit. Geoff is an inspiration to us all - he has such a wealth of knowledge of the natural world. From past visits with him, I myself have a greater knowledge of birds, river wildlife etc. Therefore it is much easier to discuss this further in the classroom. I would not feel confident teaching this aspect of the curriculum to the children, so Geoff is the ideal person to inspire them. They have learned so much from him. I think that this initiative by the HC to part pay for these visits is wonderful and I hope it will continue."
"Both children & teachers thoroughly enjoyed Geoff's visits - looking forward to him returning again. Thank you."
"The lesson involved the different types of birds. Geoff as always delivered a very informative lesson which he structured to the various age groups and it was enjoyed by the pupils who took part."
"Geoff's lessons on garden birds were of high interest and well planned. Of great benefit to all."
"Geoff is an innovative heritage specialist. He constantly revises his approach to his topic making it relevant in the school context. Geoff always excites the children in their learning."
"Geoff always provides stimulating, informative and enriching lessons. Weather conditions on this visit prevented the pupils using the school garden. Geoff provided the materials himself."
"Geoff is extremely knowledgeable and an excellent communicator. Lessons are suitably pitched and are completely activity based."
"Geoff continues to enthuse the children. They learned so much about trees, leaves and seeds."
"Very informative and the children really enjoyed it." - Scoil Mocheallog
"As usual, Geoff is very knowledgeable. He presents his lessons in a child friendly way, using cross curricular links." - Scoil Mocheallog, Kilmallock, Limerick
"Bhain idir dhaltaí agus múinteoirí taitneamh agus tairbhe as cuairt Geoff. D’fhoghlaim na páistí an-chuid uaidh, i ngan fhios dóibh fhéin. D’úsáid sé ábhair eile (ar nós ceoil) le téamaí na gceachtanna a dhaingniú. Cé nach bhfuil mórán Ghaeilge aige, dhein sé tréan-iarracht a raibh aige a úsáid, agus nathanna nua a fhoghlaim agus é linn. Molaimid go hard é."
"Excellent the children learned lots. We now have a bird feeder outside our window and a picture of the birds on the window. The children can now identify any bird that comes to their feeder." - St Nessans N.S., Limerick
"Geoff’s expertise is vital to the development of our endeavors in supporting the awareness of and biodiversity in our local environment." - Milford N.S., Limerick
"Geoff shared his energy, enthusiasm and expertise with our students and it was an excellent experience for all the students and staff members in our school. Thank you." - Knockea N.S., Limerick
"Geoff is always very knowledgeable and inspiring." - Scoil Mocheallog, Kilmallock, Limerick
"Geoff has a great knowledge of his subject and he imparted a great deal of information at the right level to the pupils. he rekindled an interest in identifying birds in the local and school environment." - Cratloe NS, Clare
"A very enjoyable day for the classes involved and a huge amount of learning was involved. Geoff is wonderful with the children!!!" - Le Cheile NS, Limerick
"Mar is gnách, bhain daltaí na scoile taitneamh agus tairbhe as an gcuairt ag Geoff Hunt. D'fhoghlaimíodar an-chuid uaidh. Chabhraigh sé linn plandaí a chur ag fás ar chúl na scoile i ndiaidh na cuairte - ina chuid ama féin. Táimid fíorbhuíoch dó, agus táimid ag tnúth go mór lena chéad chuairt eile aige!" - Anonymous
"Geoff is extremely popular with our pupils." - St Patrick's GNS, Limerick
"On the trip we conducted a bird survey, and learnt about the many species of birds whose habitat is the lake in Curraghchase. Another visit involved an exploration of wildflowers within the school grounds. I consider it important that the children develop an understanding of their immediate environment. Geoff puts a lot of work into each visit, and his knowledge is wonderful!!" - Carrickerry NS
"Geoff really catered for an integrated day with the children and included many subject areas in his whole-day visit. He was a mine of information about our local Wetlands and communicated excellently with the pupils." - Mary Queen of Ireland GNS, Limerick
"We had a wonderful day with Geoff examining the biodiversity in a stream." - Anonymous
"We really enjoyed having Geoff as our Heritage Specialist. Both teachers and pupils benefitted greatly from his visit." - Anonymous
"A wonderful visit - very enjoyable and informative." - St. Nicholas' NS, Limerick
"We have had Geoff visit our school on many occasions and have always found him to be most informative and interacts very well with all staff and children in the school." - Scoil Naomh Íde, Limerick
"The lessons supported in a major way the SESE curriculum objectives and evoked a great interest and sense of wonder in pupils involved." - Scoil Iosaf, Limerick
"Geoff is brilliant with the children and his level of knowledge and enthusiasm is a joy to witness." - Scoil Naomh Íde, Limerick
"Geoff brings an enthusiasm and expertise to the school that is wonderful. He is so organised, efficient and easy to work with, we love his visits!" - Scoil Mocheallóg, Limerick
"The children were busy and engaged, the expert was very enthusiastic, good advice was given for biodiversity." - Dromina NS, Cork
"The pupils really enjoyed their experience and learned a lot." - St. Brigid's NS, Limerick
"Really enjoyed the field trip." - Gaelscoil Ó Doghair, Limerick
"Geoff is an excellent communicator and has a great knowledge of subject. Geoff's programme is tailored to the school environment." - Milford NS, Limerick
"Geoff is so knowledgeable. The children always learn new material, and look forward to his visits. I would highly recommend him as a visiting expert." - Carrickerry NS, Limerick
"Always a pleasure to have Geoff in our school. The students love having him and learn so much(as do the teachers!)" - Scoil Mocheallog, Limerick
"Geoff’s visits are well structured, well-paced and inspire children and teachers alike." - Milford NS, Limerick
Additional Information
- Provides in-person visits
- Caters for special needs
- Provides field trips
Contact Details
- Phone (Home):
- 069 -61488 evenings
- Mobile:
- 087-7656439
- Email: