Acmhainní do Mhúinteoirí | Heritage in Schools

Acmhainní do Mhúinteoirí

Múin do do dhaltaí conas nead ollmhór a thógáil, conas gairdín féileacán a chruthú nó conas a gcraobh ghinealaigh féin a dhéanamh!

Maidir leis na hacmhainní atá á soláthar anseo, Saineolaithe Oidhreachta nó múinteoirí a chuir ar fáil iad nó eagraíochtaí eile oideachais a d’ullmhaigh iad. Acmhainní de chineál spraoi agus oideachais araon atá ann agus tá siad ceaptha chun tuiscint agus fiosracht a spreagadh agus a fhorbairt maidir le hoidhreacht iontach nádúrtha agus cultúir na hÉireann.

Is féidir acmhainní a chuardach faoi na catagóirí seo a leanas:

Ábhair (eolaíocht)

LIFE IP Wild Atlantic Nature - Blanket bog school programme resources

Timpeallachtaí Nádúrtha (Tíreolas), Feasacht faoin timpeallacht agus cúram don timpeallacht (tíreolas/eolaíocht), Nithe beo (eolaíocht), Fuinneamh agus fórsaí (eolaíocht), Ábhair (eolaíocht) Eolaíocht, Tíreolas

The Heritage Council is one of several partners in the project and was tasked with the action to develop, and pilot test a schools’ programme in 2022. The aim would be to promote local awareness of the LIFE IP Wild Atlantic Nature project amongst schools and involve children in assessing a local blanket bog habitat using a scorecard. 

LIFE IP Wild Atlantic Nature works with landowners and local communities to conserve and improve the quality of blanket bogs and associated habitats in the northwest of Ireland (https://www.wildatlanticnature...). The Heritage Council is one of several partners in the project and was tasked with the action to develop, and pilot test a schools’ programme in 2022. The aim would be to promote local awareness of the LIFE IP Wild Atlantic Nature project amongst schools and involve children in assessing a local blanket bog habitat using a scorecard. The hands-on, practical involvement would introduce children to the project and their local blanket bogs and build enthusiasm for blanket bogs generally - an enthusiasm which, it was hoped, they would share with their families, friends, and neighbours. The suite of resources were developed by the Irish Peatland Conservation Council and Aengus Kennedy (NatureNorthWest) with input from the project partners.

Brigid 1500

Scéal (Stair), Staidéir áitiúla (stair), An saol, an tsochaí, obair agus cultúr san am atá caite (stair), Feasacht faoin timpeallacht agus cúram don timpeallacht (tíreolas/eolaíocht), Nithe beo (eolaíocht), Ábhair (eolaíocht) Eolaíocht, Stair

An initiative Kildare County Council, ‘Brigid 1500’ festival will engage communities with the story and heritage of St. Brigid, providing a connection with the past through events and programmes.  

The ‘Brigid 1500’ school programme includes videos on making crosses; Bridóg dolls; harvesting rushes/reeds; pollinators and legends of St. Brigid. There's also lots of pdf resources with tales, colouring sheets and more.

Seed Journeys

Feasacht faoin timpeallacht agus cúram don timpeallacht (tíreolas/eolaíocht), Nithe beo (eolaíocht), Fuinneamh agus fórsaí (eolaíocht), Ábhair (eolaíocht) Eolaíocht

A new free resource developed with support from Creative Ireland and Westmeath County Council called Seed Journeys. It includes illustrated stories and activity ideas for primary school children for connecting with nature through the lens of seeds, in English and Irish. 

The Year Round Organic School Garden: A guide to designing, creating and using an organic school garden

Timpeallachtaí Nádúrtha (Tíreolas), Feasacht faoin timpeallacht agus cúram don timpeallacht (tíreolas/eolaíocht), Nithe beo (eolaíocht), Fuinneamh agus fórsaí (eolaíocht), Ábhair (eolaíocht) Eolaíocht, Tíreolas

A practical guide for teachers and other education practitioners who wish to bring nature, native habitats and biodiversity into the school grounds. The book aims to help with the planning, design, creation and use of an organic school garden with and for students.

It demonstrates the huge possibilities of designing and developing the school grounds into a highly stimulating and interactive educational resource, with organic food production and biodiversity as its central themes.

The book has unlimited cross-curricular potential. It particularly ties in with Social, Environmental and Scientific Education (SESE), Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE), Wellbeing, Art, Languages, History and Maths.

It sets out practical projects on growing local food, creating biodiversity and native habitats in the school grounds, and encourages healthy eating, nature-based activities and getting students active.

Available to order from the following sites:

Let's go Fishing!: Beth Murphy

Timpeallachtaí Nádúrtha (Tíreolas), Scéal (Stair), Staidéir áitiúla (stair), Pobail luathaoise agus scéalta ársa (stair), An saol, an tsochaí, obair agus cultúr san am atá caite (stair), Feasacht faoin timpeallacht agus cúram don timpeallacht (tíreolas/eolaíocht), Nithe beo (eolaíocht), Ábhair (eolaíocht) Eolaíocht, Stair, Tíreolas

An introduction to the ancient world of weaving and basket making including step-by-step instruction from Beth on how to weave a fish from willow or materials you might have at home.

Nature in the Park - a self-guided handbook for primary school teachers to facilitate the use of local parks as outdoor classrooms

Timpeallachtaí Nádúrtha (Tíreolas), Feasacht faoin timpeallacht agus cúram don timpeallacht (tíreolas/eolaíocht), Nithe beo (eolaíocht), Fuinneamh agus fórsaí (eolaíocht), Ábhair (eolaíocht) Eolaíocht, Tíreolas

A self-guided handbook for primary school teachers to facilitate the use of local parks as outdoor classrooms. Published by Dublin City Council and an action of the Dublin City Biodiversity Action Plan 2015-2020

Wild things at School by Éanna Ní Lamhna

Timpeallachtaí Nádúrtha (Tíreolas), Feasacht faoin timpeallacht agus cúram don timpeallacht (tíreolas/eolaíocht), Nithe beo (eolaíocht), Fuinneamh agus fórsaí (eolaíocht), Ábhair (eolaíocht) Eolaíocht

Counties Laois, Meath and Monaghan came together with Éanna Ní Lamhna to develop this book and series of worksheets for Primary School teachers called Wild Things at School as a joint project under the County Heritage Plan Scheme.

The Heritage Council co-funded the publications however it does not have hard copies of the publication.

Eco Rangers - discover nature and biodiversity

Timpeallachtaí Nádúrtha (Tíreolas), Timpeallachtaí Daonna (Tíreolas), Feasacht faoin timpeallacht agus cúram don timpeallacht (tíreolas/eolaíocht), Nithe beo (eolaíocht), Fuinneamh agus fórsaí (eolaíocht), Ábhair (eolaíocht) Eolaíocht, Tíreolas

It’s time to get out of the classroom with the Eco Ranger’s school programme and use active learning with your pupils to discover, learn and connect with nature. Once you’ve registered for Eco Ranger’s offline and have received your confirmation, you can go ahead and register here on the website

Nature and biodiversity is something that Bord na Móna is investing in as part of our day to day work. This is why Bord na Móna created Eco Rangers- Guardians of the Land an initiative for schools that gets children outdoors and connecting with nature and learning about the importance of protecting it. See more at