Heritage at Play
A series of instructions on how to explore our built, natural and cultural heritage through Lego. These instructions were designed by Heritage in Schools Specialist and Lego brick artist Jessica Farrell.
Múin do do dhaltaí conas nead ollmhór a thógáil, conas gairdín féileacán a chruthú nó conas a gcraobh ghinealaigh féin a dhéanamh!
Maidir leis na hacmhainní atá á soláthar anseo, Saineolaithe Oidhreachta nó múinteoirí a chuir ar fáil iad nó eagraíochtaí eile oideachais a d’ullmhaigh iad. Acmhainní de chineál spraoi agus oideachais araon atá ann agus tá siad ceaptha chun tuiscint agus fiosracht a spreagadh agus a fhorbairt maidir le hoidhreacht iontach nádúrtha agus cultúir na hÉireann.
Is féidir acmhainní a chuardach faoi na catagóirí seo a leanas:
A series of instructions on how to explore our built, natural and cultural heritage through Lego. These instructions were designed by Heritage in Schools Specialist and Lego brick artist Jessica Farrell.
An initiative Kildare County Council, ‘Brigid 1500’ festival will engage communities with the story and heritage of St. Brigid, providing a connection with the past through events and programmes.
TuilleadhLeigh níos lúThe ‘Brigid 1500’ school programme includes videos on making crosses; Bridóg dolls; harvesting rushes/reeds; pollinators and legends of St. Brigid. There's also lots of pdf resources with tales, colouring sheets and more.
A 20 minute video filmed in July and August, 2022 highlighting the rich culture and heritage of the travelling community in Co. Wexford.
Traditional singer, researcher, folklore collector and Heritage in Schools Specialist Rachel Uí Fhaoláin (Ceol Mo Chroí) and Digital Storyteller/Filmmaker John Ó Faoláin (Traditional Archive Channel) worked with the travelling community in Co. Wexford in association with Ferns Diocesan Youth Service (FDYS) and the Heritage Council.
Participating children engaged in hands-on learning with the two artists and very open discussions around further opportunities for the travelling community in areas of filming, sound, lighting, traditional song, storytelling, performance, recording/archiving etc.
The learning outcomes included the development of important digital skills while exploring the importance of sharing and archiving the songs, language, customs & traditions which are passed onto the children from the older members of their families down through the generations.
The project was funded by the Heritage Council through the Heritage in Schools Summer Programme for 2022.
Before people in Ireland starting writing in manuscripts made of vellum they wrote on other materials, primarily stone, in a writing system called ogham. Our earliest ogham inscriptions on stone are dated on linguistic grounds to between the 4th and the 7th century AD. Over 400 known examples of ogham stones and fragments of various shapes and sizes have survived, each with their own unique biography or story.
TuilleadhLeigh níos lúThe ogham publication by Dr Nora White is part of the Heritage Council Our Ancient Landscapes series and follows on from the 2020 publication on prehistoric rock art. This latest publication features high quality colour illustrations from Ken Williams, the National Monuments Service, the National Museum of Ireland, the Discovery Programme and Dr Nora White.
Dr Nora White was Principal Investigator on the Ogham in 3D project (https://ogham.celt.dias.ie). She is currently a Postdoctoral researcher on the Irish Research Council/UK Arts and Humanities Research Council funded OG(H)AM project in the Department of Early Irish at Maynooth University. She has been a member of the Heritage Council’s Heritage in Schools panel since 2018 and has been leading the Knockboy church, Co Waterford, Adopt a Monument conservation project.
Specially devised animations to introduce children to The Book of Kells and The Long Room in a simple and fun way.
TuilleadhLeigh níos lúMulti-user friendly children’s animations packed full of adventure and colourful characters. Seagull Seagull and The Very Long Room are designed to be enjoyed by everyone, including deaf audiences and audiences with low vision.
These animations were produced with funding from The Heritage Council.
Visit The Book of Kells to access these and other resources.
Discover the Irishwoman who helped invent the first general purpose computer and tracked missiles during WWII, and learn how to become a computer programmer yourself. Jam-packed with ‘unplugged’ quizzes, puzzles and activities for children 8+.
TuilleadhLeigh níos lúEPIC - the Irish Emigration Museum has developed a series of virtual educational experiences, from downloadable history-at-home packs to online workshops/lectures and informative videos. Look, learn, and create together with fun, engaging programmes for students of all ages.
See more at: https://epicchq.com/education/..
Unearth the world of Irish Antarctic explorer Ernest Shackleton, concoct your own Arctic snowstorm and uncover the Irishwoman who became Britain’s first female commercial pilot. Includes puzzles, quizzes and games for children 8+.
TuilleadhLeigh níos lúEPIC - the Irish Emigration Museum has developed a series of virtual educational experiences, from downloadable history-at-home packs to online workshops/lectures and informative videos. Look, learn, and create together with fun, engaging programmes for students of all ages.
See more at: https://epicchq.com/education/...
Discover some of Ireland’s quirkiest Easter traditions, explore the world of Easter Rising leader Roger Casement and learn how to draw up your own Proclamation. Includes puzzles, quizzes and games for children 8+.
TuilleadhLeigh níos lúEPIC - the Irish Emigration Museum has developed a series of virtual educational experiences, from downloadable history-at-home packs to online workshops/lectures and informative videos. Look, learn, and create together with fun, engaging programmes for students of all ages.
See more at: https://epicchq.com/education/...
Discover the fascinating world of genealogy, its history & how it’s used today. Discover how your budding genealogy detectives can put together your family tree with the help of the family. Includes puzzles, quizzes & games for children 8+.
TuilleadhLeigh níos lúEPIC - the Irish Emigration Museum has developed a series of virtual educational experiences, from downloadable history-at-home packs to online workshops/lectures and informative videos. Look, learn, and create together with fun, engaging programmes for students of all ages.
See more at: https://epicchq.com/education/...
Discover the conditions and circumstances that led to The Great Famine of 1845 – 1852, and caused the death of 1 million people and another 1.5 million to leave Ireland. Includes puzzles, quizzes and games for children 8+.
TuilleadhLeigh níos lúEPIC - the Irish Emigration Museum has developed a series of virtual educational experiences, from downloadable history-at-home packs to online workshops/lectures and informative videos. Look, learn, and create together with fun, engaging programmes for students of all ages.
See more at: https://epicchq.com/education/...
A self-guided walking tour of Viking Dublin aimed at 8-12 year olds with activities, riddles and games.
TuilleadhLeigh níos lúIt is a natural fit with the SESE History curriculum as it covers many of the strands from Early Peoples and Ancient Societies, to Story, to Life, society, work, and culture in the past, and Continuity and Change over time. It engages children with assessing evidence, understanding chronology, and expanding communication skills under the Working as a Historian skills and concept development.
This project is a collaboration between academics from Dublin, Cambridge, Nottingham and London, with the assistance of Dublinia, the National Museum, Dublin City Council and the School of Irish Archaeology.
An introduction to the ancient world of weaving and basket making including step-by-step instruction from Beth on how to weave a fish from willow or materials you might have at home.
This tutorial links a common wild plant, Charlock or Praiseach Bhuí to the Great Famine.
Suited to children from 4th to 6th class.
In this tutorial Maura demonstrates how oak gall ink is made and includes a simplified recipe which can be made from household vinegar.
Suited to children from 2nd to 6th classes.
Listen to Ruth’s Riddle poem about a heritage site in Co. Clare. Ruth will guide you to explore a place in your own area and write your own riddle.
Suited to children from 3rd to 6th classes.
Children are encouraged to examine the heritage significance of their immediate environment through familiar local landscape features.
Suited to children from 2nd to 4th class.
The example of an old tree is used in this tutorial. The activity encourages children to consider questions about past, present and future through personification and the creation of an unusual pictorial poem at the same time. The activity can be applied to other local features, a road, an old building etc.
Ruth will show how you can make your own knitting pins - using sticks, a pencil sharpener and a little bit of sandpaper.
Suited to children of all ages.
An introduction to the history of the traditional Irish farm well.
Suited to children and adults of all ages.
There are old school houses in most communities so this is a very accessible monument type and this exercise aims to get the children thinking about what was different and what was similar long ago.
Suitable for children from 3rd to 6th class.
Mark explains how finding the perfect hammer and learning to use it for its purpose has endless possibilities.
Suited to children of all ages.
By finding everyday items we can learn the heritage of our locality, the tools and items which we can find within our own house holds and the history and use that is attached to them to enhance our learning and future lifestyle.
Suited to children and adults of all ages.
Discover the natural resources growing near your own doorstep! Learn about sustainable plant fibres as we learn how to process nettles to make cordage.
Susanna demonstrates the story of wool from carding to spinning to dyeing and weaving.
Suitable for children from 1st to 6th class
Legend has it that two different types of beetle once fought over a juicy slug, but all may not have been as it seemed. Learn about the ecology and anatomy of ground beetles and the devil's coach horse beetle.
Suited to children from 1st to 4th classes.