Tullamore selected for the first ever Heritage in Schools Blitz 2024! | Heritage in Schools

Tullamore selected for the first ever Heritage in Schools Blitz 2024!

Clara NS 1

Over a two-day period, on 25 & 26 April, Tullamore primary schools will be blitzed by Heritage Specialists from the Heritage Council’s Heritage in Schools programme. The visiting Specialists will deliver all sorts of interesting facts on Offaly’s rich built, natural and cultural heritage. Visits can be to the classroom, the school yard or further afield and will be FREE OF CHARGE.

What biodiversity lies on your school’s doorstep? Find out with a nature walk along the Grand Canal or a blitz of the Town Park to find out what creatures live there. Check out some of the amazing historic sites and buildings of Tullamore on a guided walking tour of the town. Did you know that there was a big spinning and weaving industry in Offaly or that the largest Bronze Age hoard of musical trumpets and horns were found in Dowris Co. Offaly?

How to get involved

It couldn’t be easier – go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/5FS83QY and register your class and we’ll get in touch.

About Heritage in Schools

The Heritage Council’s Heritage in Schools Scheme provides a panel of Heritage Specialists who visit primary schools to help children and their teachers learn about and appreciate their local heritage. Visits are part-funded with reduced rates for DEIS schools. The Scheme supports the stated aims and objectives of the Social, Scientific and Environmental Education (SESE) curriculum and provides an additional educational tool and resource for teachers.

The aims of the Scheme are:

To generate greater awareness, respect, interest and appreciation of our heritage among primary school children (4-12 year olds) by encouraging both teachers and pupils to engage with their local heritage in a hands-on, interactive and meaningful way, through place-based learning.

To encourage learning in the outdoor classroom in order to address the increasing decline in time spent outdoors by Irish children.