Teachers' Resources | Heritage in Schools

Teachers' Resources

Teach your pupils how to build a giant nest, create a butterfly garden or make their own family tree!

The resources provided here have been submitted by Heritage Experts, teachers or prepared by other educational organisations. The resources are both fun and educational and are designed to inspire and develop an appreciation and curiosity about Ireland’s wonderful natural and cultural heritage.

Resources can be searched for under the following categories:


Make A Pop-Up Landscape

Natural environments (Geography), Story (History), Environmental awareness and care (Geography/Science), Materials (Science) General

Pop-up cards are a popular and often enchanting way of drawing ideas together or giving people a chance to integrate their new knowledge of an idea or a place into a quick creative form. There are lots and lots of folds and movements you can use.

From Apathy To Empathy: Reconnecting People & Place Symposium

General, Research and Policy

A symposium with leading international and national experts in place-based education took place in August 2012 in Kinvara, Co. Galway. This unique event brought together thinkers and practitioners who specialise in the theme of place-based learning, which encourages the use of the local environment as a learning resource. Feedback from organisers, speakers and attendees is available to listen to on Sound Cloud.

Create A Lace-Up Book


This is a good technique for collecting ideas and experiences gradually, perhaps over the course of a workshop or several workshops. It is ideal for collating a series of activities, each one generating a different page and it's easy to add more pages later and let books continue to grow.