Search for a Specialist | Heritage in Schools

Search for a Specialist

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Sinéad Keane

Sinéad Keane

  • In-Person
  • Virtual visits
  • All Classes
'Pollination - How nature makes our fruits and seeds': Introduction to pollination, making the connection between insects and food production through interactive discussions, guided outdoor activities, hands-on flower dissection and creative drawing.

We cover pollination, biodiversity, native tree identification, fresh water animals and seaweeds. We include worksheets, quizzes, hands on outdoor activities and creativity in our workshops.
Tina Keating

Tina Keating

  • In-Person
  • All Classes
A fun and interactive way of uncovering the natural world around us and the prehistoric history of Ireland through discovery, fun games, and creative activities. Find out all about the ancient sea creatures that lived long ago and the different creatures that inhabit our seashore today. Learn from local rocks, fossils, and landforms, about Ireland’s ancient past, its earthquakes and volcanoes, and vast mysterious lands where dinosaurs once roamed. We’ll leave no stone unturned!