Niamh O'Flynn - Heritage Experts | Heritage in Schools

Niamh O'Flynn

Niamh O Flynn Cover
Niamh 3
Niamh 2
Niamh 8
Niamh 4
Niamh 5
Niamh 10
Science, Geography
Curriculum Strands:
Natural environments (Geography), Environmental awareness and care (Geography/Science), Living things (Science)
Counties catered for:
Cork, Kerry, Limerick, Waterford
Classes catered for:
All Classes

Book in-person visit

As an animal scientist Niamh has worked in exotic captive breeding and release programmes in wildlife parks in Ireland and England (600 acres) specialising in black rhino, giraffe and aquaria and also primates, elephants, lions, tigers, wolves, deer, wild horses, tapirs, birds, fish, aquatic animals and reptiles. She has assisted with environmental surveys looking at estuary worms, ladybirds, pea mussels, broadleaved woods/forests, coring, plant surveys and rural farmlands (REPS).

Niamh is dedicated to educating the next generation in conserving & appreciating our precious native Irish wildlife and habitats.

In-person school visits

An introduction to hedgerows, What is a hedgerow? Where do you find hedgerows?, What lives in a hedgerow? the importance of hedgerows, a healthy hedgerow and the history of hedgerows. Niamh will help you find your local hedgerow and identify what’s in it.

How to birdwatch, the lifecyle of birds, diet and feeding, how to make a bird feeder from recycled material and fruit. It can include drawing and labeling birds, handling bird artifacts and bird song. Activities can be done on the school grounds.

Hands-on introduction to insects, bugs and different soil types, including locating and identifying insects, lifecycles, plants to attract insects/pollinators for nectar, how to make a bug hotel, draw insects and label, show insects. Activities can be done on the school grounds.

A workshop to identify native Irish trees in winter and summer (all seasons), draw and label a tree, look at tree artifacts, assess the age and height of a tree. Learn about trees in folklore and interesting facts, hedgerows and discussion on forests. Activities can be done on school grounds.

Where to find mammals, draw footprints for ‘tracking’ and learn the differences between mammal footprints, lifecycle of mammals, draw mammals, see mammal artifacts, listen to animal calls, learn animal behaviours, hibernation, observation skills.

Learn where native plants and flowers grow, their lifecycles and interesting facts such as what they can be used for, draw flowers, label and press.

A field trip can be arranged to cover this topic.

How to indentify the flora and fauna at the beach, types of beaches, how to identify shells, seaweeds, marine species and a discussion around marine pollution.

A visit to a seashore can be arranged with activities and games at the beach.

Field trips can be arranged to the seashore, woods, parks, meadows, nature reserves, disused quarry, stream & riversides, wetlands, playing fields & graveyards. Learn about the native flora and fauna at these sites through bug hunts, pond dipping and games.

Advice on school garden i.e. composing, plants and trees for the school garden, bird feeders and wild areas etc.


  • "Niamh was a fountain of knowledge and pitched it at the right level for the children. We would love to have her back again." - St. James' NS, Cork
  • "We love having Niamh in to work with the children. They learn so much from her and she is so organised and efficient. Thank you Niamh" - St Joseph's GNS, Cork
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  • "The children loved the visit and learned alot form the visit."
  • "Niamh was wonderful. She really engaged with the children and all the teachers came back to me saying that she was such an excellent teacher. I was really impressed with Niamh’s caring nature - she gave the children time to ask their questions and no question or suggestion was a bad one. They felt comfortable asking her their questions. The children were fully engaged and interested. They loved the PowerPoint and the artefacts were of great interest to them. My class were doing Mammals and they loved the skulls of the animals! She showed the pupils how science is all around them , in their local area where they live. We hope to book Niamh again for more whole-school visits , and work on our whole-school themes to develop our School Science Plan. ." - Eglantine Girls’ NS, Cork
  • "Niamh was absolutely fabulous. The children were so engaged by her workshop and presentation. She was incredibly knowledgeable and clearly very interested in the topics which in turn helped engage the children fully." - St Michael's NS, Cork
  • "Thoroughly enjoyed visit. Children enjoyed the interaction with nature." - St Luke's School, Cork
  • "Niamh was very enthusiastic and engaging with the children. Niamh's prior knowledge was excellent and meant she had the ability to answer the numerous questions she was asked."
  • "One class worked outdoors but Niamh engaged with other classes indoors because of inclement weather. The teachers were very happy with the presentation in the classrooms."
  • "Niamh was very informative and her talks with the children linked in very well with us as we are now working towards our 5th Green Flag for Biodiversity." - Scoil Naomh Muire
  • "Niamh has a lovely way with the children We enjoy having her as she imparts knowledge in a very child friendly way." - Cloghroe NS, Cork
  • "Children really enjoyed the visit. content was very suitable for children. Niamh had a lovely relaxed manner in terms of presenting. I cannot say more about her professionalism she has shown. A very dedicated instructor/specialist."
  • "Niamh was excellent. She structured the talk appropriately for younger children. She encouraged discussion and questions and involved the children in everything. They loved handling the feathers and the ostrich egg. Niamh was excellent in every way."
  • "The children really enjoyed the outdoor workshop where they handled seaweed and other seashore samples." - Bunscoil Bhóthar na Naomh, Waterford
  • "Niamh's preparation for the trip was very good. the children learned a lot and the staff were extremely happy to have a specialist speaker to teach the children about the seashore."
  • "Niamh's whole presentation was excellent - well prepared and aimed at the children's level"
  • "This was a very worthwhile and enjoyable presentation for all." - Coars NS
  • "Excellent all round. The child were really engaged and enjoyed the visit thoughout." - Darrara NS
  • "Very happy overall, a good balance of indoor and outdoor activities, children very engaged at all times." - Amergin Steiner School, Kerry
  • "Very thorough preparation, and organisation of the visit. Niamh put a lot of effort into researching the location and supporting our curriculum. She brought along very suitable visual support, and an excellent PowerPoint presentation and worksheets etc." - Templebreedy NS, Cork
  • "Another fantastic Heritage in Schools experience." - St Patrick's Infant's NS, Cork

Additional Information

  • Provides in-person visits
  • Provides practical/hands-on activities
  • Provides field trips

Contact Details

Phone (Home):
021 489 5189
086 311 6094