Deirdre O'Brien McGivney - Heritage Experts | Heritage in Schools

Deirdre O'Brien McGivney

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Science, History, Geography
Curriculum Strands:
Story (History), Local Studies (History), Early people and ancient societies (History), Life, society, work and culture in the past (History), Human environments (Geography), Natural environments (Geography), Environmental awareness and care (Geography/Science), Living things (Science)
Counties catered for:
Kildare, Laois, Longford, Meath, Offaly, Roscommon, Westmeath
Classes catered for:
All Classes

Book in-person visit

Respecting, understanding and protecting our heritage are vital skills which we can impart on a young mind, for if we can do these three things we can learn for the future. Deirdre thrives on the provision of knowledge of our heritage and has qualifications in Irish Heritage, has skills developed through structured and organic learning. She is also a scout leader for many years. Deirdre has years of experience working in the heritage sector, including Archival work, Heritage centre management and Archaeology as well as being a keen crafter and outdoor and environmental enthusiast.

Areas which can be covered include :

- Local History with a focus on the how local history is recorded and stored. Workshops can include the creation of modern day schools manuscripts to record what is now in our environs.

- Biodiversity surveying, with a particular focus on pollinators - a craft element can be included.

- The emblems of Ireland and how they evolved - Creating your own emblem to represent your schools community, An Irish Harp - the history of the Irish Harp.

- The year in Ireland - special celebrations which are almost unique to Ireland, the lore and traditions associated with crafts to accompany

- Protecting Irish Fauna and Flora - also learning about the creative and beneficial uses of the produce of our natural environment

- Evolving landscapes - looking at the landscape in the vicinity and exploring how it has evolved and how it might continue to do so.

- Map and compass reading - developing a clearer idea of the landscape around you, this could lead to creating your own heritage trail of your town or village - a childs perspective of their sense of place

Many other topics can be explored.

Workshop structure:

While some of the school visits are based in the indoors Deirdre tries to encourage as much outdoor activities as possible. Some 'in school workshops' will inevitably end up outside and field trips to a number of locations can be arranged.

Deirdre will work with the school to create a workshop to best suit the requirements.


  • "Deirdre was an excellent rep for Heritage in Schools. There was quite a broad age range within the group but Deirdre's activities appealed to all ages and were very well pitched, hands on and interactive. Pupils knowledge and interest in the topic of Biodiversity has been further improved as a result of Deirdre's session." - St. Nicholas' Primary School, Meath
  • "All children enjoyed the visit and learned about their local area in an enjoyable way" - Castlepollard Parochial School, Westmeath
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  • "We thoroughly enjoyed Deirdre's visit yesterday. She was so informative and the children learned so much about bees and hives. They were so engaged and asked so many questions. We cannot wait to invite her back next year." - Holy Child School, Kildare
  • "The children really enjoyed the visit and learned lots of interesting local History." - St Josephs NS, Offaly

Additional Information

  • Provides in-person visits
  • Caters for special needs
  • Provides practical/hands-on activities
  • Provides field trips

Contact Details

087 6479711