Speisialtóir a Lorg | Heritage in Schools

Speisialtóir a Lorg

Aimsigh Speisialtóir Oidhreachta le haghaidh cuairt scoile.

Vincent Butler

Vincent Butler

  • Cuairt beo
  • rang a dó, rang a trí, rang a ceathair, rang a cúig, rang a sé
Have you ever seen a volcanic bomb, a fossil dinosaur bone or a mammoth’s tooth? Have you ever glimpsed a falling star, and would you like to hold one in your very own hand? Each Crate of Curiosities workshop is a treasure trove of heritage wonders, many of which were collected by Vincent during his twenty years of worldwide travels working onboard expedition cruise ships. They are an active learning mini mobile museum.
Francesca Cadeddu

Francesca Cadeddu

  • Cuairt beo
  • Naíonáin Mhóra, rang a haon, rang a dó, rang a trí, rang a ceathair, rang a cúig, rang a sé
Come back in time with me to discover all about Irish history and archaeology. Together we will learn all about the amazing Irish heritage through fun and interactive presentations, original crafts, and a true hands-on approach to bring history back to life directly to your class. All of my workshops are relevant to many strands of the SESE Curriculum and can be customised upon request.