On this page you will find policy documents such as the National Play Policy 2004-08 and related documents from national organisations such as Barnardos and the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment are also available for download.
Aistear Guidelines for Good Practice Play
Aistear is the curriculum framework for children from birth to six years in Ireland. It describes learning and development through the four interconnected themes of Well-being, Identity and Belonging, Communicating, and Exploring and Thinking. Chapter 3 – ‘Learning & Developing through Play’ outlines how play relates to these themes and how best to facilitate play among young children.
Barnardos: Outdoor Play Matters
This booklet is for parents and carers of young children up to the age of six, although most of the information applies to children of all ages. It highlights the benefits of outdoor play and shows how playing outside supports your child’s development.
Ready, Steady, Play: National Play Policy (2004-08)
This is the most recent national policy document available in relation to children and the outdoors. The objective of this policy is to plan for an increase in public play facilities, thereby improving the quality of life of children living in Ireland by providing them with more play opportunities. The document is an outcome of the National Children’s Strategy, launched in 2000 and is aimed specifically at addressing the needs of younger children. The policy looks at a range of issues, including: guiding principles; a partnership approach between the statutory, community, voluntary and private sectors; developing a play infrastructure; safety and public liability insurance; and funding arrangements.